Jun 和 Wen, 是我的老朋友 。很荣幸,开心的能够见证他们的喜悦。

认识 Jun 有十多年了,从同学到毕业后,同学朋友们都各有自己的生涯,升学的,工作的,忙碌的。。。但很庆幸的,我们这一班老朋友都还能保持联络。作为他们的好友,也很感恩的,见证了他们相识、相知、相爱、相恋直到今天,他们结为了夫妻。当看到他俩的结婚照时,也不由自主的很感动,眼泪都在眼眶打转了!

婚礼当天,Wen 披上嫁衣,戴上头纱,一个很甜美的准新娘子。另一边厢,准新郎也和兄弟团出发去接新娘了。听到远处的车鸣响,知道新郎要到了,伴娘姐妹团也准备了 “ 甜酸苦辣 ” 游戏来考验新郎和兄弟团。结婚堵门是迎亲过程中的一个亮点,也让婚礼过程中充满欢乐。

当 Jun 见到 Wen 的那一刻,两人的幸福笑容满溢,婚礼充满了家人和朋友欢乐的笑声、幸福和祝福。

Jun and Wen is my good old friend. I’m very happy today as I am able to witness them tying the knots.

We had known each other for more than a decade. We grow up going our own ways later after graduated from high school. It’s a blessing to see my old friend, Jun and Wen getting married.

The wedding day arrived in full glory, after spending a year planning for a beautiful day to celebrate with friends and family. Wen the bubbly bride put on her make up & her gorgeous white wedding gown. She was beautiful and charming. As Jun and his best man were getting ready. It was a busy morning for Jun. The groomsmen were all set to face the gate crashing event. They started their journey soon after that.

Loud honks were heard from far. It was coming nearer from far. Jun arrived with the groomsmen and the bridesmaid are welcoming them with the traditional gate crashing event. The first four obstacles were Sweet, Sour, Bitter & Hot. It was filled with joy and laughter.

When both Jun and Wen sees each other in white, their expression show affection and sweetness. The whole atmosphere were bundled with lots of laughter, joy and love.

Jun and Wen, your day was just as perfect as you both are and I am happy for you found true soul mates in each other. Cheers to health, joy, and making memories!

Bel, The Chapter
Photography team: Bel and Gary Chew

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